46+ Blogging Statistics 2023: (All Time Stats)

Are you about to start a blog? Before you do that, check out these fantastic Blogging statistics to know everything related to blogging.

Most people are wondering is blogging still relevant? My answer to that question is that, yes, blogging is still as relevant as it used to be. Those days were long behind us when a handful of people used to have blogs, and they were getting a lot of traffic without putting a lot of effort. Nowadays, blogging requires a lot of time & effort to become successful.

That’s why I’ve prepared this list of Blogging statistics so that you can understand where you need to focus when starting a blog and how you can promote it easily.

Let’s get started right away.

General Blogging Statistics

In this section, I have covered some general blogging statistics.

1. Around 2 million blog posts are getting published daily

Most of the blogs on the internet are inactive, but many blogs still regularly publish blog posts. That’s why around 2 million blog posts are getting published daily.

2. Almost 400 million people view over 20 billion pages every month

People still trust blogging websites, and that is why over 400 million people view over 20 billion pages every month.

3. Over 600 million blogs are there on the internet

People think that blogging is dead, but that’s not the truth. According to the Hosting Tribunal, there are over 600 million online blogs. In reality, the number is higher than this, but it is hard to find the exact number.

4. Over 77% of users of the internet like to read blogs

Blogs provide a lot of helpful information, and they provide in-depth info on anything. That’s why they are extremely popular among people. Around 77% of internet users like to read blogs.

5. A blogger takes around 3 hours 40 minutes to write a blog post on average

The only downside to blogging is that it is time-consuming. Content marketers spend on average three hours 40 minutes to write a blog post entirely. That’s why many marketers prefer to write social media posts.

6. The average length of a blog post is 2164 words

Wordcount helps you in various aspects of ranking and SEO. That is why content marketers are still figuring out the magical spot of word count. Some decide to write their blog posts between 2000 to 2500 words. According to Hubspot, the average length of a blog post is 2164 words.

7. Blogs are the 5th most trustworthy source to collect information online

Most people trust blogs over ads & social media posts, and that’s why they have rated blogs as the 5th most trustworthy source to collect information online.

8. Users In the US spend 3X more time on blogs than email

Checking email is the first thing everyone does when they start their day. But according to a study, it was found that internet users of the US spend 3X more time on blogs than email.

9. Internet Users from all over the world leave 77 million comments on blogs every month

Blog posts are one of the best ways to engage your audience. According to WordPress, internet users worldwide leave around 77 million comments on blogs every month.

10. Almost 50% of internet users take the advice of bloggers & vloggers

Blogs impact a lot of people’s purchasing decisions. That’s why around 50% of internet users take the advice of bloggers & vloggers when they are buying something.

Blogging SEO Statistics

In this section, I have covered some Blogging SEO statistics.

If you want to rank your blog posts on the first page of Google, then you need to create high-quality content that people want to link to. This will cover your quality backlinks as well.

12. 38% Bloggers Update Their Old Article

To stable your ranking on Google, you need to update your older articles with new information. That’s why around 38% of bloggers update their old articles regularly.

13. Around 34% of bloggers believe that updating content produces better results

If you keep on updating your blogs with new information, then it will stay on top. That’s why around 34% of bloggers believe that updating content produces better results.

14. The most significant source of income for bloggers is generated via organic traffic

Organic traffic is the way to increase the authority of your website. That’s why the most significant source of income for bloggers is generated via organic traffic.

15. Around 67% of companies produce leads through their blogs

Companies that are selling digital products also focus on promoting their products via blog posts. That’s why 67% of companies produced leads through their blogs.

If an article is well written, then people want to link their posts to it. That’s why longer articles (more than 3K words) get more backlinks than average articles.

17. A blog post with a featured snippet gets more traffic than any regular blog post

If someone’s blog post gets a featured snippet for a particular keyword, then it will most likely get more traffic than any regular blog post.

18. If a title consists of more than six words, then it gets more traffic

If a title consists of more than six words, then it gets more traffic than a title with less than six words.

Backlinks are one of the essential aspects of ranking on Google. According to a study, if a page gets over 35K backlinks, then it will definitely rank on top of Google.

20. 72% of bloggers believe that creating unique content is the way to rank on Google

To create a unique blog post, you need to spend many hours on keyword research and writing the post. That’s why around 72% of bloggers believe that creating unique content is the way to rank on Google.

21. Most readers read blogs on their mobile devices, so it would be best for bloggers to produce short content to target the larger audience

Nowadays, every millennial has a smartphone, and that’s why most readers read blogs on their mobile devices. It would be great for bloggers to cater to their needs by producing short content.

Blogging Time Statistics

In this section, I have covered some time and frequency related statistics of blogging

22. Bloggers spend an average of two hours to publish an article

A blogger spends hours creating unique content for their blog posts, and then they have to edit that article properly and publish it on their website. According to a study, bloggers spend an average of two hours publishing an article.

23. If a blogger spends more than six hours on a blog post, then the chances of getting that post ranked on Google increase by 31%

Bloggers spend a lot of time on keyword research, SEO, and determining which type of content will be best for their blogs. If they spend more than six hours on a post, then the chances of ranking that post on Google increases by 31%.

24. Long-form content generates 8X more views than short-form content

People show more interest in blogs with long-form content than short-form content. That’s why long-form content generates 8X more views than short-form content.

25. A User spend an average of 37 seconds reading an article

Whenever a user searches for a specific query on the internet and finds a blog post answering that query, they spend an average of 37 seconds reading that entire blog post.

26. Bloggers who publish blog posts daily get 57% better results than those people who publish multiple times a week

Everyone believes that consistency is the key. If you consistently work on your blog, then it will give you better results. That’s why bloggers who publish blog posts daily get 57% better results than people who publish multiple times a week.

Long comprehensive content is the best way to solve a user’s query. That’s why blogs that are earning over $50K a year say that their popular posts have over 2400 words.

28. The best time to publish an article is around 11 am EST on Monday

Most bloggers believe that if you want to attract more traffic to your blog posts, then the best time to publish an article is around 11 am EST on Monday. If you want more audience interaction on your posts, then you should publish your posts around 9 am EST on Saturday.

29. On average, bloggers publish one post every week

Publishing one post every week is a great option to give your audience fresh content. If you publish multiple posts in a week or a day, your readers might lose interest in reading your content.

Blogging Content Statistics

In this section, I have covered some content-related statistics of Blogging.

30. To build credibility for the blog, you need to publish regularly with unique content

Readers only believe those credible blogs that keep up with the new trends. If you publish posts with unique content on a regular basis, then your readers will know when to expect your content.

31. People use blogs as the second most common media form to express their views

Content marketers prefer blogging to express their views on the internet. But most internet users prefer to express their views via videos. That’s why people use blogs as the second most common media form to express their views on the internet.

32. How-To articles are the most famous content type amongst bloggers

Bloggers prefer to write how-to blog posts than any other type of content. That’s why bloggers post around 77% of how-to articles on their website, and after that, they publish around 57% listicle articles and 47% news & trends-related articles.

33. Almost 90% of bloggers include images in their posts

Images & videos are the best to express your views on a topic. That’s why around 90% of bloggers include images in their blog posts.

34. Almost 89% of online marketers included blogs in their content strategy

If a business is planning its content marketing strategy, then there is a good chance that it will include blogs. Many online marketers choose blogs and other content marketing strategies, such as email marketing and social media. Still, around 11% of online marketers don’t include blogs in their content marketing strategy.

35. 34% of bloggers believe that including videos in posts produces better results

To explain a topic further, most bloggers include videos throughout a blog post to give clarity to the readers. That’s why around 34% of bloggers believe that including videos in posts produces better results.

36. Around 60% of bloggers believe that writing guest posts is a good way to attract traffic to their website

Guest posting is a good way to connect with other websites and attract more traffic to your website. If you are publishing one to five guest posts monthly, then it will improve the traffic of your website immensely.

37. If a blogger adds more than ten images in a post, then that post most likely show better results

Bloggers add images in their posts so that a reader can understand the texts in a better way. That’s why adding over ten images in a post produces better results. But only 3% of bloggers add ten or more images in their posts.

38. Blog posts with 3K to 10K words get more shares

Bloggers only add relevant information in their blog posts so that readers don’t lose interest in it. But if a blog post is well-written and contains 3K to 10K words, then it will get more shares than an average blog post.

Blogging Platform Statistics

In this section, I have covered some platform-related statistics of blogging

39. Over 32 million bloggers are from the USA

The number of bloggers is increasing daily all over the world. In 2020, the number of bloggers in the USA alone was 32 million, and the exact number to date is not precise for now. But 32 million is over 10% of the country’s population.

40. Tumblr hosts over 529 million individual blogs

Tumblr comes into the microblogging industry, and as of July 2021, it was reported that Tumblr has over 529 million individual blogs.

41. WordPress powers over 60 million blogs

WordPress is a one-stop solution for blogging. Most bloggers prefer WordPress over other blogging platforms; that’s why WordPress claims around 43% of the web, and it powers over 60 million blogs.

42. There are over 6 billion web pages on the internet

The number of websites on the internet is increasing daily, and the number of web pages is also increasing with it. That’s why there are roughly six billion web pages on the internet. This number is not exact because it keeps on increasing.

43. An average blog post includes 1151 words

If a blog post is well-written, then it will have over 1000 words in it. That’s why an average blog post includes 1151 words, a 42% increase in the last five years.

44. Wix hosts over 200 million blogs, and Squarespace hosts over 2.8 million blogs

Apart from Tumblr and WordPress, there are other blogging platforms as well. According to research, Wix hosts over 200 million blogs, and Squarespace hosts over 2.8 million blogs.

45. High-income bloggers focus more on Instagram, YouTube, Reddit, and Pinterest

When a blogger establishes a stable blog that generates a good monthly income, they start to focus on different platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, Reddit, and Pinterest.

46. Bloggers in the United States make an average of $50k in a year

 According to Glassdoor, if your blog is credible and your website is getting satisfying traffic, you can make an average of $50k in a year. They can also set up passive income through affiliate marketing.

Conclusion: Blogging Statistics 2023

Over the years, blogging became an excellent source to earn money. In the beginning, when a handful of bloggers shared their success stories with everyone, it created a spark for blogging. That’s when many people decided to quit their full-time job and started a blog of their own. Now the internet is filled with blogs.

The most important thing every blogger needs to understand is that solving user intent is the primary goal. If a reader is opening your blog post, then they should get what they are looking for. 

I hope with these blogging statistics; you can understand every aspect of blogging. Let me know your thoughts on blogging in the comment section below.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is blogging still popular in 2023?

Yes, blogging is still popular in 2023 and serving more purposes than ever before. There are 70% of marketers see blogging as a useful tool.

What is the reason for failing blogs?

Many blogs fail due to poor keyword strategy, lack of regularity in publishing blog posts, fail to drive traffic.

Do people still read blogs?

Of course, people are still interested in reading blogs, there are more than 75% of active blog users.


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