10+ Influencer Marketing Trends To Follow In 2024

Are you a brand looking to grow organically?  One of the top strategies to consider is influencer marketing. 

And it is crucial to keep an eye on the growing trends.

Influencer marketing is a strategy where brands target people whose influence matches their target audience. The brands then collaborate with the influencer. In which the influencer agrees to share its content with its audience. 

The influencer also creates content using their concise niche to pass their message.

Recommendations from trusted influencers are considered reliable. Influencer marketing is therefore considered a bankable strategy.

What Is Influencer Marketing?

Influencer Marting is a kind of social media marketing that supports advantages from influencers to promote services and products. As the influencers are already trusted by the followers, which makes their recommendations just like they are coming from a friend.
It is the best way to tap into an already engaged audience, recommend your brand, and start a potential relationship with their customers in a very easy way.

10 Influencer Marketing Trends You Need To Know In 2024

So here is the list of 10 Influencer Marketing Trends that you should know about.

1. Content And Product Collaboration

This influencer marketing trend is popular in the fashion and beauty industry. Brands collaborate with influencers to launch products under the brand. 

This strategy is used mainly by brands that have already built a name for themselves. If your brand is upcoming and cannot afford large-scale production, you can opt for content collaboration for the time being.

10+ Influencer Marketing Trends 2023 - Product

This marketing trend is currently popular with celebrities and top influencers. For example, Rapper Cardi B collaborated with Reebok to launch a footwear collection. Also, beauty influencer Jaclyn Hill collaboration with Morphe to launch an eyeshadow palette.

Then there is brand-to-brand collaboration. A recent example is Kim Kardashian’s brand SKIMS collaborated with FENDI.

It is safe to say this trend could be the future.

2. Nano and Micro-Influencers 

It is now possible to get engagement with smaller social media accounts. Unlike a few years ago when you needed a significant amount of following. This trend is applicable if the budget is tight.

10+ Influencer Marketing Trends - Social Media

Thanks to the continuous social media apps upgrade, like Instagram reels. Accounts with a small following can use their platform to promote engaging and relatable quality content.

These marketing trends became a thing 3 years ago and might have come to stay for good.

3. Audio And Video Contents

There has been an evolution in the type of contents influencers create for the past few years. Influencers now make more video and podcast content across platforms instead of promoted posts.

10+ Influencer Marketing Trends - Video Contents

Viewers are more compelled to video and audio content than images and text. They are an excellent communication tool for brands. Podcasts have also become quite popular recently. According to a study, four in ten Americans tune into podcasts. Additionally, 24% of listeners have tuned in in the last month.

Brands are capitalizing on this influencer marketing trend. They are collaborating with influencers for their podcast or video series. 

4. Computer Generated Imagery Influencers

CGIs or virtual influencers are programmed to look and act like people. Meanwhile, they are digital images with a curated online presence created by tech-savvy teams. 

We have virtual influencers like Lil Miquela, followed by over 3million people on Instagram. 

Lil Miquela has become an attractive sensation among brands. With luxury brands like Diesel and Prada collaborating with her. She also got featured in Vogue and GQ magazines. CGIs appear on different body types, ethnicities, gender, and age.

This futuristic marketing trend is not going anywhere any time soon.

 5. Strict Guidelines For Influencers/FTC Regulations

Now here is a crucial influencer marketing trend. The federal trade commission ( FTC) has placed advertisers working with influencers on strict monitoring.

The FTC rule also states that influencers must reveal their relationship with the brand within their posts. Followers should be capable of differentiating if they perceive it as an ad or organic content.

In 2014, an advertising agency working for Sony got in trouble for urging employees to promote a gaming console on Twitter without disclosing their relationship with the company or agency. Also, when Kim Kardashian advertised a morning sickness drug, Diclegis, not stating the side effect. 

The US Food and Drug Administration got involved after the campaign received a lot of negative feedback. Which eventually led to Kim Kardashian removing the post and posting another one detailing the risks of consuming the drug. 

This marketing trend is for the benefit of all parties as no brand will want to invite negative publicity.

Here are some of the FTC guidelines:

Influencers must use hashtags like #ad or #sponsored for the partnered post. These guidelines are not going to change any time soon. If anything, they are likely to become stricter.

6. Employees As Influencers

Influencer marketing is evolving beyond celebrities and influencers. Many companies are now encouraging their staff to take up influencer roles.  

With firsthand experience of the brand and in-depth knowledge that the consumer does not have. Employees are probably the best candidates for influencing.

They can present the brand through their eyes and personal style. 

An example of this marketing trend is Macy’s in-house influencer program called Macy style crew. With 300 of their employees becoming brand ambassadors.

This influencer marketing trend enables a brand to strengthen relationships with employees and maximize content and visibility on social media.

7. Platform Takeovers

 This fun strategy gained popularity a few years ago and is still very effective.

While most other trends involve the influencer showcasing your brand, this trend requires the influencer to show up on your platform.

In a takeover, the influencer is given access to your social media for a set period. 

 Many brands and even small business owners already utilize this trend.

8. Brands Maintaining Longterm Relationship With Influencers

It has become increasingly challenging to find the right influencer. Brands need to filter influencers based on their reputations, number of followers, and engagement rates. It can be a long and tedious process.

With the increasing number of influencers, it is hard to spot the real ones. So it is in the brand interest to maintain long-term relationships with the influencers who match their criteria.

Note that: a professional contract is likely to follow any long-term collaboration between brands and influencers. It is beneficial to both parties.

Fashion retailers like ASOS are keeping up with this influencer marketing trend. With a carefully selected pool of influencers called insiders.

9. Influencers Doubling As Affiliate Marketers

In the past, both marketing strategies came off as different entities. When in reality, they are very much interrelated.

This strategy involves individual influencers/affiliates promoting a brand in exchange for a commission. Influencers can convert their social media presence to sales. Influencer platforms are integrating with e-commerce to move beyond campaigns to drive sales.

One of the platforms like Refersion has already recognized and uses this marketing trend. 

10. Emerging Of New Social Media Platforms And Type Of Influencers

The past two years taught us that there is always room for new social media applications. Though Instagram may be a safe choice, Tiktok has had stellar years mainly due to the pandemic. 

Which eventually, as a result, led to the introduction of Instagram reels. Clubhouse (an audio-based social app) also came to the scene in April 2020. While there might not have been any new platforms in 2021, there are likely to be new social networks around the corner.

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Conclusion: Influencer Marketing Trends (2024)

Brands need to figure out what trends work better for them. It is vital to ensure the influencers’ value matches the brand image. To prevent misinformation and promote clarity.

Aside from appropriate legal actions, it is principal to involve an Advertising professional. They will guide you on the trend that best suits your brand.

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